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Author: ryn


“it’s a skyhook,” he said, swinging the cord in slow, faintly humming circles at his side. Culvert watched closely, clutching tight the coin he’d won from the bragging bride in Brixton. (luck. it clings to such small things.) his eyes were fixed…


Whim the Weedwise teaches, “follow your first name, the one was never given you, the one before the game. (she means the game of yes and no, of black and white; the game of here and there, and now and then, and…


the thumping heels and curses and hood-muffled moans. the limp of a man forced along on broken bones. the gut-thud and the shut up and the brass knocker rapping. the seneschal’s wait and the [res]trained, respectful tapping at his den’s door—Needsay hears…